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January 2018

SiFive - January 23, 2018

The SiFive Download - Ringing in 2018 with Fresh Faces and Big Resolutions

Before we dive into our newsletter, we want to take a moment to talk about the vulnerabilities around Meltdown and Spectre. First off -- and most fortunately -- SiFive’s RISC-V Core IP offerings are not affected by Meltdown and Spectre. Secondly, as the RISC-V Foundation’s statement on these vulnerabilities notes, now is the time for open architecture and open hardware designs to shine.


SiFive - January 05, 2018

SiFive Statement on Meltdown and Spectre

The recently disclosed speculation-based timing attacks Meltdown and Spectre have received much attention this week—and rightly so. The vulnerabilities these attacks exploit are not limited to a particular instruction-set architecture, nor are they restricted to a single vendor’s implementations. Many processors that rely upon speculation to improve performance are affected, even some that do not use out-of-order execution.


SiFive - January 03, 2018

A Look Back: 7th RISC-V Workshop

A new year brings new opportunities. Before we dive into 2018, we wanted to take some time to reflect on some of the excitement we experienced over the last couple of months.
